How to avoid cracks between concrete brick walls?

1. Masonry bricks/blocks should be embedded with a mortar which is relatively weaker than the mix used for making blocks in order to avoid the formation of cracks. A rich mortar (strong) tends to make a wall too inflexible thus limiting the effects of minor movements due to temperature and moisture variations resulting in cracking of the bricks/blocks.

2. In the case of framed RCC structure, erection of masonry walls shall be delayed wherever possible until the frame has taken up as much as possible any deformation occurring due to structural loads. If masonry walls are erected as soon as striking of formwork is done the same will lead to cracks. Masonry wall construction should start only after 02 weeks of formwork removal of the slab.

3. Masonry wall generally adjoins column and touches beam bottom, as brick/blocks and RCC are dissimilar material they expand and contract differently this differential expansion and contraction lead to separation crack, the joint should be reinforced with chicken mesh (PVC) overlapping 50 mm both on masonry and RCC member before plastering.

4. A ceiling above a masonry wall may deflect under loads applied after its erection, or through thermal or other movements. The wall should be separated from the ceiling by a gap which shall be filled with an irrepressible material (non- shrink grouts) to avoid cracking, as a result of such deflection.

Where this cannot be done, the risk of cracking, in the case of plastered surfaces, may be reduced to some degree by reinforcement of the joint between the ceiling and the wall using chicken mesh (PVC) or by creating a cut between the ceiling plaster and the wall plaster.

5. The floor upon which a wall is built may deflect under load brought upon it after it is built. Where such deflections incline to create non-continuous bearing, the wall shall be robust enough to an extent between the points of least floor deflection or shall be capable of adapting itself to the changed conditions of support without cracking. This may be achieved by embedding horizontal reinforcement such as 6 mm diameter at every alternate course of bricks.

Post time: Dec-04-2020
  • Dongjie
  • Dongjie2025-03-31 03:04:12

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