ua Tuam Tshoj Custom Micro Hole Expanded Hlau rau Anode thiab Cathode Electrode Cov Khoom Siv Hluav Taws Xob Hluav Taws Xob Hoobkas thiab cov chaw muag khoom |Dongjie

Custom Micro Hole Expanded Hlau rau Anode thiab Cathode Electrode Cov Khoom Siv Roj Teeb Grid

Lus piav qhia luv luv:

Dongjie muaj cov roj teeb kab sib txuas ntawm cov ntawv nthuav dav thiab perforated cov ntawv hlau ua los ntawm cov ntawv hlau stainless, tooj liab, npib tsib xee plated steel ntawv, npib tsib xee lossis titanium phaj.Peb muab flattened ntawv ci los yog strips ua tiav nrog flatteners thiab slitting tshuab.Dongjie muab cov ntawv nthuav dav hlau nthuav dav yog ntau yam, cov ntaub ntawv siv tau zoo rau daim phiaj roj teeb.

Product Detail

Khoom cim npe

Kev caiMicro Hole Expanded Hlaurau

Anode thiab Cathode Electrode KhoomRoj teeb daim phiaj 

Kev nthuav dav hlau foils yog tsim los ntawm cov ntaub ntawv hlau uas muaj pov thawj, kev lag luam "slit-and-stretch" txheej txheem.Lawv yog cov hluav taws xob txuas ntxiv thiab, tsis zoo li knit lossis woven meshes, pom zoo ib yam thiab kwv yees conductivity.

Nws ua haujlwm raws li cov khoom siv tam sim no thiab tseem muab cov khoom siv hluav taws xob sib txuas rau sab nraud Circuit Court.Nws yog tsuas yog siv rau hauv cov roj teeb, xws li Ni-MH roj teeb, Ni-Cd roj teeb thiab lithium ion hlwb, thiab lwm yam.

Nyias, muaj zog, saj zawg zog thiab lub teeb yuag, nthuav hlau foils yuav tsis fray los yog unravel, thiab ua tau yooj yim mus rau complex qhov chaw, ua rau lawv zoo-suited rau composite manufacturing txheej txheem.

daim phiaj roj teeb daim phiaj roj teeb

Kev siv ntawm Expanded HlauRoj teeb daim phiaj

1. Roj teeb tam sim no khaws cia

2. Cov qauv txhawb roj teeb

Cov ntaub ntawv ntawm Expanded Hlau Roj Teeb Grid

Peb muab ntau yam alloys muaj nyob rau hauv kev lag luam, xws li npib tsib xee, tooj liab, txhuas, npib tsib xee coated stainless hlau phaj, Tin, Zinc, Titanium thiab nyiaj, thiab lwm yam.

Specificationsntawm Expanded Metal Battery Grid

Roj teeb Chemistry LIM 02 lis 02 Li/S0Cl2 Zinc / Cua Aluminium-Air Mg-AgCl
Hom hlau SS & Al Al Ni & SS Ni Ni Cu
Hlau Thickness .003-.005 '' .004-.005 '' .003-.005 '' .002-.005 '' .003-.005 '' .004-.005 ''
Strand Dav .005-.015 '' .008-.020' .005-.025 '' .003-.010 '' .004-.010 '' .015-.020 ''
LWD .031-.125 '' .077-.125 '' .050-.284 '' .050-.077 '' .050-.100 '' .125-.189 ''
Roj teeb Chemistry Ag Zn Ni Zn Li Ion Li Lon Polymer NiMH  
Hom hlau Ag Cu & Ni Al & Cu Al & Cu Ni & NiPlFe  
Hlau Thickness .003-.005 '' .003-.005 '' .001-.002 '' .0015-.002 '' .003-.005 ''  
Strand Dav .005-.010 '' .005-.010 '' .002-.005 '' .005-.010 '' .005-.020 ''  
LWD .050-.125 '' .050-.125 '' .020-.050 '' .050-.125 '' .050-.125 ''  

specifications ntawm expansion hlau

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  • Sau koj cov lus ntawm no thiab xa tuaj rau peb
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